Earn $1200 by helping us find top talent!

Do you know a top hair stylist or salon manager?  We want them to work for us, and we will reward you for your referral!

Step 1

Fill out the form on this page with your information and the information of the hair stylist or salon manager you are referring.

Step 2

If your referred hair stylist or salon manager is hired, you will get $100 a month ($1200/year) of hair services and/or Paul Mitchell products for a year.

Disclaimers:  Referred hair stylist or salon manager must be hired and work every month for a year to get full reward.  Can be used by family members, rolls over to next month until all $1200 is used.

Help us find top talent & get get rewarded with $1200!

Fill out the information for yourself and your referred hair stylist or salon manager below.

Your Information

I would like to refer…

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Cutting Crew is proud to be a local hair salon near you that exclusively features Paul Mitchell products.

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Paul Mitchell products at Lemon Tree | Beauty Salon Near Me

As a Focus Hair Salon, we feature Paul Mitchell products exclusively | Learn More

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